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We are a software company based in France providing mainly R&D consulting services. Our team has many years of experience in software architectures, protocol stacks, internet services, coding and graphic design. We enjoy our work and appreciate human size projects and teams. We always strive for excellence at what we do because we believe that quality of work is a big part of the quality of life.

When we are not busy discussing or developing the next big thing, we enjoy devoting some time to personal projects, play games and even create some for fun.

Feel free to contact us with your ideas, requests or business needs and we would be more than happy to assist you.


Our mission is to help enterprises accelerate adoption of new technologies, untangle complex issues that always emerge during digital evolution, and orchestrate ongoing innovation. Whether it is a consumer-oriented app or a transformative enterprise-class solution, the company leads the process from ideation and concept to delivery, and provides ongoing support through its IS360 framework.


133 Route de Chartreuse, 38700 Corenc, France


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